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Merging a passion for pickleball with a passion for a sustainable world
  1. Bet a buck (or $50)
  2. Play a match
  3. Winnings are donated to fight climate change
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Our plan...

The earth's in a pickle so we're in a pickle.  Let's use our Love of Pickleball to support our Love of this Planet.  We play a lot of pickleball with a lot of wonderful people and wanted to create a way to merge this passion with our desire to avert the worst scenarios of climate change (and actually create a regenerative world).  While we are out playing pickleball there are great non-profit organizations doing amazing work to support a sustainable future for us all.  Thus, the Pickleball Climate Challenge was born to use our passion to play for the purpose of supporting future generations in inheriting a healthy, sustainable world. 

Supporting Climate Advocacy


Our Causes

Citizens Climate Lobby

Democracy in Action

Climate Emergency Fund

Accelerating Action

Our Children's' Trust

Voices of Youth

Join the Movement!

Help us connect pickleball and planet


The Pickleball Climate Challenge

Use your games (and competitive spirit) to raise money for climate action:   

You Win:  They make a donation to your cause

They Win: You make a donation


Bet $1...$10 or any amount you agree to.  After the game pay up via PayPal or Venmo.  Click below to see how to easily do this.  Smile for the good work you have all done and Pickle On!

Other Brilliant Ideas?

Let us know your thoughts and ideas about how to leverage our passion for pickleball and our passion for this planet...

Tournament's? Getting pros on board to Join the Challenge and speak up for climate action? Fundraisers in your pickleball community?  Giving lessons in return for donations? What else can we come up with? 

Let's work together to do this.


Get in Touch

808 443 9661

Join us and spread the word

Thanks for submitting!

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